Fusion Connect > Case Studies > California Tomato Machinery

California Tomato Machinery

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 California Tomato Machinery - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Applicable Industries
  • Equipment & Machinery
Applicable Functions
  • Process Manufacturing
Use Cases
  • Machine Condition Monitoring
The Customer
California Tomato Machinery
About The Customer
California Tomato Machinery (CTM) is a global leader in the commercial tomato harvester equipment industry. CTM offers distinct harvesters, designed to meet the specific grower needs and production environments.
The Challenge

California Tomato Machinery (CTM) is the world' No.1 manufacturer of tomato harvesting tools and equipment. Their top customers were requesting a solution that would help them lower their total cost of ownership of machinery and assure maximum asset uptime.

The Solution

Autodesk See Control's no-coding toolset created a solution that monitors engine performance, equipment productivity, and operator compliance in real time. The analytic features in SeeControl established a base operating profile for tomato harvesters and the customer implemented predictive analysis for diesel engines. Additionally, the system records the variety of tomatoes picked to establish agricultural benchmarks and KPIs for future years.

Data Collected
Engine Efficiency, Operator Compliance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Diesel
Operational Impact
  • [Product Improvement - User Acceptance]
    CTM customers have been delighted with the solution and have increased orders and overall business levels with the company.
  • [Product Improvement - Customer Satisfaction]
    CTM has achieved further domination of their market niche with this higher level of customer intimacy.

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