Keyfactor > Case Studies > M&T Bank's Digital Transformation: Secure Agility through Certificate Lifecycle Automation

M&T Bank's Digital Transformation: Secure Agility through Certificate Lifecycle Automation

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 M&T Bank's Digital Transformation: Secure Agility through Certificate Lifecycle Automation - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Applicable Industries
  • Finance & Insurance
  • National Security & Defense
Applicable Functions
  • Warehouse & Inventory Management
Use Cases
  • Cybersecurity
  • Inventory Management
  • Cybersecurity Services
  • System Integration
The Customer
About The Customer
M&T Bank is a Fortune 500 American bank based in Buffalo, New York, with more than $155 billion in assets. Founded in 1856, M&T Bank has been a community-driven company from its roots, originally serving manufacturers and trades and now operating more than 780 branches across the eastern United States. In 2021, the bank unveiled M&T Tech Hub, a new initiative to drive collaboration and innovation with the people and businesses they serve. The bank is focused on transforming its digital footprint and embracing agility to meet constantly evolving customer needs.
The Challenge
M&T Bank, a Fortune 500 American bank, was focused on transforming its digital footprint and embracing agility to meet constantly evolving customer needs. However, with digital transformation came the need for digital trust and security. The bank relied on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates to securely connect devices and applications across its digital footprint. Over the years, technology and cryptography evolved significantly, creating new challenges. M&T Bank initially partnered with Keyfactor in 2010 to migrate from SHA-1 to SHA-2 and re-build their entire PKI. However, as the number of devices and workloads expanded rapidly, so did the number of certificates required across their environment. The increasing volume and speed at which certificates were issued made it difficult to keep track of them.
The Solution
M&T Bank needed a certificate management solution and turned to Keyfactor, who had previously helped them re-build their PKI. The bank needed certificate discovery and inventory, continuous visibility of certificates across multiple platforms and CA solutions, and a solution that would scale. In 2014, M&T rolled out Keyfactor Command to get better visibility of their certificate inventory and set basic alerts to remind users to renew certificates before expiration. As the product evolved, M&T continued to roll out new capabilities, which now include network discovery, self-service enrollment, APIs, and automated workflows for certificate renewal and provisioning.
Operational Impact
  • The implementation of Keyfactor Command provided M&T Bank with better visibility of their certificate inventory and set basic alerts to remind users to renew certificates before expiration. The solution also bridged the gap between the internal PKI team and the cybersecurity team by integrating with Entrust CA to provide the cybersecurity team with the same seamless experience for certificate enrollment and lifecycle management. The solution also helped the bank's developers and operations teams to reduce manual processes related to requesting and provisioning certificates. The bank was able to scale and use more certificates to better secure devices and workloads.
Quantitative Benefit
  • Eliminated 50% of the self-signed certificates across the environment.
  • Managed to keep track of more than 350,000 active certificates across the enterprise.
  • Reduced the rate of error significantly by educating users on why they should opt for CA-issued versus self-signed certificates.

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