AVEVA (Schneider Electric) > Case Studies > Pima County takes significant steps in preserving water source

Pima County takes significant steps in preserving water source

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 Pima County takes significant steps in preserving water source - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
  • Automation & Control - Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Applicable Industries
  • Recycling & Waste Management
Applicable Functions
  • Business Operation
Use Cases
  • Machine Condition Monitoring
The Customer
Pima County, Arizona USA
About The Customer
Pima County, Arizona USA
The Challenge

Pima County is facing the following challenges: - Management of more than 60 million gallons of sewage each day to support the region’s population of more than 1 million people. - To take immediate action when alarms sound alerting operators to issues within the plant The solution should be able to enable the following feature: - To ensure capture of institutional knowledge of current workforce for effective training of future operators - To employ an effective Situational Awareness strategy enabling personnel to effectively understand and address operations of the facility - With assets spread out over more than 700 miles, operational management is difficult

The Solution

Pima Country implement a solution that is using a Wonderware HMI SCADA solution based on Situational Awareness, as well as a mobile workforce and decision support system, the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department provides management and maintenance of the county’s sanitary sewer system.

Data Collected
Ammonia, Nitrogen, Phosphorus
Operational Impact
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Labor]

    “Institutional Knowledge” is captured to train future workforce, successfully addressing concerns of the facility’s aging workforce

Quantitative Benefit
  • Capacity of the plant has doubled resulting in a 50% increase in operational efficiency

  • Overall energy consumption has been reduced by 10%

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