Prodapt > Case Studies > Product Development for Power Line Communication (PLC/BPL) Systems

Product Development for Power Line Communication (PLC/BPL) Systems

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 Product Development for Power Line Communication (PLC/BPL) Systems - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Applicable Industries
  • Electrical Grids
Applicable Functions
  • Business Operation
Use Cases
  • Energy Management System
About The Customer
The client is a leading provider of power line communication (PLC/BPL) systems and solutions, enabling organizations to develop Smart Grid applications over existing electrical networks. They have a highly-integrated electrical network based system, which
The Challenge

The client wanted to develop a product that can acquire data from their meter units installed at the consumer's premises. A system capable of acquiring, transferring and archiving the data had to be in place, replacing the existing traditional method which was error prone and expensive to operate. The system needed to be integrated with the existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for increasing the operational efficiency.

The Solution

Prodapt designed data acquisition software that enables the collection of data from all the 'Smart' units distributed on the electricity grid. It was implemented using Java Enterprise Edition. The system processes the information received from the 'Smart' units, then transfers it to the Utility OS System for network monitoring, diagnosis, management and control. A web-based user interface has been provided for reporting and administering the software interfaces.

Data Collected
Cycle Times, Operation Performance, Product Lifecycle
Operational Impact
  • [Cost Reduction - R&D]
    Reduced the cost of the product development cycle
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Quality Assurance]
    Improved the product quality
Quantitative Benefit
  • Decreased new product release cycle time by 20% ahead of product roadmap

  • Reduced post-release changes by 70%

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