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康泰纳仕是全球领先的媒体,旗下拥有《Vogue》、《GQ》、《纽约客》、《名利场》、《连线》、《建筑文摘》(AD) 和《Bon Appétit》等杂志。该公司的 37 个品牌通过印刷品覆盖了 7200 万消费者,通过数字渠道覆盖了 4.42 亿消费者,通过社交平台覆盖了 4.52 亿消费者。全球数亿人通过公司的数字资产消费康泰纳仕的内容,生成数万亿个数据点以及对他们的需求的潜在洞察。该公司的目标是提供强大、个性化和相关的体验,为人们带来信息和愉悦,同时开辟新的、可持续的收入来源。
康泰纳仕 (Condé Nast) 是一家全球媒体领导者,拥有 37 个品牌,覆盖数百万消费者,面临着管理和货币化其数字资产生成的数万亿数据点的挑战。该公司缺乏管理和维护数据集成源的中央机制,导致下游消费者无法轻松获取数据。在全球范围内集成更多资源的需求持续增长,而使用自定义脚本将数据拉入数据湖的成本却令人望而却步。每个营销技术平台都有自己的 API、数据结构和其他需要自己的自定义脚本的属性。动态创建连接器并持续管理它们是不可扩展的,这给公司带来了重大挑战。
为了应对这一挑战,康泰纳仕实施了 Fivetran 的数据集成解决方案。选择该解决方案是因为其直观的控制、庞大的连接器库和白手套服务。 Fivetran 自动将数据从数十个分散的来源提取到 Delta Lake,在那里数据被转换并分为三层:金级、银级和铜级,以便在 Qlik、Mode 和 Databricks SQLA 中进行分析。这种细分允许团队通过 Fivetran 维护源头的更改以及他们向业务公开的内容。当新的数据源需要连接时,团队只需在 Fivetran 仪表板中输入凭据,数据就会开始流动。该解决方案使 Condé Nast 能够自动将数据从第一、第二和第三方来源迁移到公司的 Lakehouse、Databricks 上的 Delta Lake。
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Case Study
Improving Vending Machine Profitability with the Internet of Things (IoT)
The vending industry is undergoing a sea change, taking advantage of new technologies to go beyond just delivering snacks to creating a new retail location. Intelligent vending machines can be found in many public locations as well as company facilities, selling different types of goods and services, including even computer accessories, gold bars, tickets, and office supplies. With increasing sophistication, they may also provide time- and location-based data pertaining to sales, inventory, and customer preferences. But at the end of the day, vending machine operators know greater profitability is driven by higher sales and lower operating costs.
Case Study
Energy Saving & Power Monitoring System
Recently a university in Taiwan was experiencing dramatic power usage increases due to its growing number of campus buildings and students. Aiming to analyze their power consumption and increase their power efficiency across 52 buildings, the university wanted to build a power management system utilizing web-based hardware and software. With these goals in mind, they contacted Advantech to help them develop their system and provide them with the means to save energy in the years to come.
Case Study
Intelligent Building Automation System and Energy Saving Solution
One of the most difficult problems facing the world is conserving energy in buildings. However, it is not easy to have a cost-effective solution to reduce energy usage in a building. One solution for saving energy is to implement an intelligent building automation system (BAS) which can be controlled according to its schedule. In Indonesia a large university with a five floor building and 22 classrooms wanted to save the amount of energy being used.
Case Study
Powering Smart Home Automation solutions with IoT for Energy conservation
Many industry leaders that offer Smart Energy Management products & solutions face challenges including:How to build a scalable platform that can automatically scale-up to on-board ‘n’ number of Smart home devicesData security, solution availability, and reliability are the other critical factors to deal withHow to create a robust common IoT platform that handles any kind of smart devicesHow to enable data management capabilities that would help in intelligent decision-making