Software AG > 实例探究 > GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. Aggregates Data from 3,000 Telemetry Points

GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. Aggregates Data from 3,000 Telemetry Points

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Large Corporate
  • Europe
  • Poland
  • webMethods Business Process Management Suite
  • ARIS
  • Business Process Management
  • Enterprise Service Bus
  • Data Integration
  • Enterprise-wide Deployment
  • Productivity Improvements
  • Cost Savings
  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - API 集成与管理
  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据交换与集成
  • 离散制造
  • 物流运输
  • 过程控制与优化
  • 实时定位系统 (RTLS)
  • 预测性维护
  • 系统集成
  • 软件设计与工程服务
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. has the status of a strategic company for Poland’s economy and energy security. The company’s core business consists of the transmission of gaseous fuels through a system of pipelines spanning the territory of Poland and delivering them to local distributors and large industrial customers. According to the Polish law GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is required provide equal and nondiscriminatory access to the pipeline system for all market players. This means not only providing the ability to contract and physically deliver the fuel, but also access to current information about the actual and planned transmission volumes in specific sections of the pipeline system. The company is also responsible for ongoing management, maintenance and expansion of the pipeline system.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. was established in 2004 from six formerly independent Regional Pipeline Operators (RPOs). Despite the similar nature of their services, each of the entities used a different set of procedures and a unique mix of IT tools. With the EU accession Poland became involved in the process of the European gas market liberalization. The prospects of an open domestic market, providing equal access to gas networks for all market players and, eventually, the interoperation of the gas exchange posed new challenges for gas transmission in Poland. It was GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. whose role it was to prepare the country for the upcoming gas market liberalization in terms of technical, organizational and business capabilities.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. merged the operations and IT systems of the formerly independent RPOs, which enabled consistent data collection and sharing with interested external parties, including the information on transported gas volumes and capacities available in the near future. The integration of the RPO’s IT systems and implementation of consistent reporting helped develop of the data integration environment called Information Exchange System (IES). As one of its key building blocks, the IES includes webMethods Business Process Management Suite (BPMS), Software AG’s platform that comprises an enterprise service bus and Business Process Management (BPM) capabilities, among other technologies. Following the integration project, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. embarked on a formal process description using another Software AG tool: ARIS. The resulting process definitions were subsequently used in the implementation of the ERP system based on the SAP® platform.
  • The IES based on webMethods software enabled GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. to fulfill the task of providing all the market players with consistent and timely information on the planned and actual gas transmission volumes and the related settlements.
  • The information from technologically disparate source systems is aggregated, unified and published in a customer portal on the Web.
  • The webMethods and ARIS platforms enabled GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. to centralize its IT operations.
  • 40 separate IT systems reduced to only 8
  • Data from 3,000 telemetry points published on a unified online portal

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