Honeywell > 实例探究 > Honeywell Forge 增强加拿大医院的维护和舒适度

Honeywell Forge 增强加拿大医院的维护和舒适度

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  • 分析与建模 - 预测分析
  • 功能应用 - 计算机化维护管理系统 (CMMS)
  • 建筑物
  • 医疗保健和医院
  • 设施管理
  • 维护
  • 楼宇自动化与控制
  • 预测性维护
  • 系统集成
Bluewater Health 是一家加拿大医疗机构,在安大略省彼得罗利亚和萨尼亚设有医院。该组织对已有 10 年历史的建筑进行了重建,并在重建过程中对一栋有 60 年历史的建筑和一栋有 110 年历史的建筑进行了扩建。萨尼亚工厂扩建后占地 317,000 平方英尺,急诊室面积明显扩大;一个外科中心,设有八间手术室和四间手术室以及综合孕产妇/婴儿/儿童项目,分娩、分娩和儿科服务均位于一层。新建筑还融入了许多创新和可持续的设计特点,例如收集雨水的地下蓄水池、厕所灰水系统、最先进的冷水机组以及即将上线的新热电联产发电厂。这使得 Bluewater Health 成为加拿大首批获得 LEED(领先能源与环境设计)认证的医院之一。
Bluewater Health 是一家加拿大医疗机构,在安大略省彼得罗利亚和萨尼亚设有医院,面临着多项挑战。该组织包括对已有 10 年历史的重建以及对一栋已有 60 年历史的建筑和一栋已有 110 年历史的建筑进行重建的扩建,必须应对管理具有不同基础设施的多个地点的复杂性。新建筑融入了许多创新和可持续的设计特征,但这也带来了将许多信息和技术输入整合到一个收集和输出流中的挑战。预算限制和将资金分散到各种需求的需要也是一个问题。 Bluewater Health 团队希望执行预测性维护,从运营数据中学习,在问题出现之前发现问题。他们寻求一个可以与当前系统配合使用、学习和成长的智能平台。
Bluewater Health 利用 Honeywell Forge Energy Optimization,这是一种基于云的 AI 解决方案,可根据众多需求因素自主管理 HVAC 能源使用。该解决方案捕获整个建筑组合的实时建筑数据,计算每栋建筑的最佳设定点策略,然后自动调整设定点,无需人工干预。霍尼韦尔 Forge 解决方案的实施是针对关键起始区域的直接计划,并实施规则以实现最佳分析。该系统开始从 1000 多个信息源中提取信息,并对读数超出可接受范围的任何内容提供反馈。该平台允许设施和维护人员在问题出现之前减少问题,并专注于提高效率。维护人员现在可以花更多的时间进行定期、有计划的维护,并制定如何改进系统的策略,而不是对一线员工报告的问题做出反应。
  • The implementation of Honeywell Forge brought about several operational benefits. The maintenance staff expressed increased job fulfillment as they spent more time performing regular, planned maintenance and strategizing about how to improve systems, rather than reacting to concerns reported by frontline staff. They were now able to monitor and track live maintenance data through a dashboard showing trends, vulnerabilities and predictive comfort levels. This increased the comfort level for staff, as they could be more confident that everything from the operating rooms to the chemotherapy prep areas, and the isolation rooms to the infant nurseries were all working optimally. The peak performance of systems coupled with the predictive corrective measures ensured that the patients themselves enjoyed the cleanest, most ideal temperature-controlled rooms and enhanced both their healthcare experience and overall comfort level. The support services manager’s role became more proactive, allowing them to spend more time proactively caring for these impressive facilities that provide care for the community.
  • 12.97% Average reduction in energy use
  • 11.71% Average reduction in natural gas use
  • Potential for cost savings by changing air filters in the hospital only when they truly needed to be changed, possibly extending the life of existing filters by six months to a year

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