Amazon Web Services > 实例探究 > 创新云迁移:以innogy Czech为例

创新云迁移:以innogy Czech为例

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innogy Czech 以前称为 RWE,是一家成熟的欧洲能源公司,为捷克共和国的 160 万客户提供天然气、电力和其他服务。 innogy Czech 运营着 65,000 公里的电网,管理着 6 个总容量为 27 亿立方米的地下储气库,并在 18 个工厂生产热能和电力。凭借其三个业务领域——可再生能源、电网和基础设施以及零售——该公司完全有能力在现代、脱碳、分散和数字能源世界中工作。 innogy Czech 致力于为客户提供创新和可持续的产品和服务,帮助他们更有效地利用能源并提高生活质量。
innogy Czech 是一家欧洲领先的能源公司,由于洪水风险而关闭了捷克共和国布尔诺的数据中心,因此面临着将其任务关键型 SAP 系统迁移到新地点的挑战。该公司必须做出决定,是将 SAP 实施迁移到德国的新数据中心,还是迁移到公共云,这将符合该组织的云优先战略。该公司的 IT 团队看到了通过迁移到云来实现运营转型的机会,不仅可以跟上未来业务的增长,还可以利用云的敏捷性、灵活性和管理效率。该公司认为从资本支出向运营支出的转变是另一个潜在的好处。然而,迁移过程充满了挑战,包括需要迁移数十 TB 的 SAP 数据、完成 Linux 操作系统和 Oracle 数据库的平台重构以及将数据转换为 Unicode,所有这些都不会对业务活动和客户产生负面影响。
为了实现其目标,innogy Czech 选择 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 作为其云服务提供商。 AWS 提供了成本节约、高容量和灵活性,直接支持了 innogy Czech 的云优先战略。 AWS 还满足了 innogy Czech 的数据保护法规要求,包括 ISO 27001 和 ISO 9001。innogy Czech 首先将其 SAP 人力资源工作负载迁移到 AWS,随后是 IS-U、CRM 和 BO/BW。该公司使用 AWS Direct Connect 在其现有数据中心和 AWS 云之间建立稳定、冗余和加密的连接。通过在 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) 实例上运行 Oracle Enterprise Edition,IT 人员可以利用 Oracle Secure Backup,它为系统提供数据库备份、还原和恢复功能。备份存储在 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 存储桶中,最终将转移到 Amazon Glacier,以实现超低成本和高耐用性。
  • By migrating to AWS, innogy Czech was able to build a lean, secure, and highly available SAP system. The company was able to speed resource deployment and streamline its change-management process, enabling rapid go-to-market deployments of both software and resources. Delivery of business services was also accelerated because hardware was no longer utilized to support the company’s SAP systems. As a result, technology became an enabler of business innovation instead of a blocker. The company also gained cost and usage transparency, allowing it to manage resources more efficiently. On the customer side, the new SAP cloud platform simplified support processes and helped customers save money. The company also improved its recruiting capabilities by being on the cloud, using it as a way to attract and retain talent both internally and externally.
  • Provisioned the new system in only a few weeks, compared to the months it would take using the company’s previous data-center model.
  • Reduced its production SAP IS-U database by 30 percent by moving to Linux and the latest Oracle version.
  • Compute resources on AWS cost 20 percent less than on-premises deployments, especially when migrating to the Linux platform.

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