- 功能应用 - 远程监控系统
- 传感器 - 尺寸和位移传感器
- 传感器 - 液位传感器
- 传感器 - 振动传感器
- 商业运营
- 结构健康监测
新西兰的鲁阿佩胡火山是世界上最活跃的火山。大约每 50 年发生一次大喷发,自 1945 年以来有 60 次或更多次小喷发。为了增加这种危险情况,火山口在两次喷发之间周期性地充满水,导致火山口壁倒塌并将洪水和泥浆从山上释放到有人居住的地方领域。 1953 年圣诞节前夕,一场名为 lahar 的洪水将一列通宵列车冲下一座桥,导致 153 人丧生。
1995 年和 1996 年的喷发形成了一个脆弱的火山口坝,肯定会在某个时候破裂。因此,政府当局决定寻求一种技术解决方案,以避免过去导致生命损失的那种灾难。鲁阿佩胡山警报与总部位于奥克兰的工业接口公司、WIN-911 解决方案提供商和其他公司合作,开发了东部鲁阿佩胡火山喷发警报和警告系统,或 ERLAWS。 ERLAWS 由三个站点组成,其中有各种地震检波器和水位传感器。这些地点包括火山湖、新西兰高山俱乐部小屋和靠近 Tukino 滑雪场。 ERLAWS 被编程为自动警告洪水并激活屏障臂以关闭洪水路径中的道路和桥梁。 WIN-911 警报通知软件提醒警察、议会工作人员、交通当局和科学家避免灾难。当地居民甚至可以直接注册接收来自 WIN-911 的警报。包括所有设备、软件、人工和工程在内的警告系统成本约为 375,000 美元。
Alarms For Automated Applications, Equipment Status, Water Level
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Bridge monitoring in Hamburg Port
Kattwyk Bridge is used for both rail and road transport, and it has played an important role in the Port of Hamburg since 1973. However, the increasing pressure from traffic requires a monitoring solution. The goal of the project is to assess in real-time the bridge's status and dynamic responses to traffic and lift processes.
Case Study
Parc Des Princes Stadium - Paris Monitoring of the Roof Structure
Advitam has acquired a solid expertise in civil infrastructures monitoring and assets management. During their life cycle, civil engineering structures and construction works are aging, deforming, deteriorating and their mechanical capacities are evolving. A sharp knowledge of the mechanical parameters evolution and the monitoring of physical data are key elements to define and execute predictive maintenance strategies as well as to manage the structure life cycle with balance and to ensure the required safety and security for the users of the civil engineering structure.
Case Study
Reservoir monitoring in Hontomin
The Spanish Government has launched a CO2 Capture and Storage Program in Hontoman with the aim of developing this technology. This programme's approach is based on the fact that CO2 capture and storage could be an essential part of the solution to achieve substantial global CO2 emission reductions.
Case Study
Designed and developed an ASIC for sensing to set up straight with the contact lens. The MEMS sensor which can be digitized through ASIC is reading and transfers the assessments back to the recorder with the same RF link used to power the device using load modulation techniques. By using a 0.35µm process, Faststream could incorporate power capture and conditioning, RF signaling, high linearity ADC, and digital control functionality on a single die within the limited power budget and at a low cost.
Case Study
IoT for Civil Architecture and Artistic Monuments
Some public works, civil and heritage buildings have challenges in detecting abnormal structure movements in real time to maintain control of critical structure points, logging and analyzing data of all the structural properties to identify anomalies and accessing promptly to the data without the need of an on-site intervention.
Case Study
Burlington Bridge
More than 300 trains crossed the Burlington Bridge every month and tons of travel on barges below. It was therefore decided that shutting down rail or river traffic during the construction of a new bridge would only be allowed during a single 30-hour period. With such heavy usage demands, constant river level changes and the inherent complications of working with a 115 year old bridge, monitoring was key to this project. Knowing how and when the bridge moves, vibrates, tilts and bends proved critical for establishing a safe working environment as well as maintaining the bridge’s operational status.