AUVESY-MDT > 实例探究 > versiondog 上的大爆炸试验

versiondog 上的大爆炸试验

 versiondog on the Trial of Big Bang - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 备份与恢复
CERN - 深入研究物质 CERN 成立于 1954 年,是一个基础物理学研究机构。它位于日内瓦附近的梅林。一项非凡的国际合作,欧洲核研究组织现在由 22
数据管理系统 versiondog 已委托数据管理系统 versiondog 对位于日内瓦附近的 CERN 的大型强子对撞机 (LHC) 的工业控制系统程序进行备份和监控,这是世界上最大的粒子加速器。欧洲核研究组织使用该系统管理大约 500 个组件的数据,使 versiondog 成为 CERN 的标准技术之一。
大型强子对撞机于 2008 年受委托进行粒子物理学的前沿研究。 AUVESY 的 versiondog 是领先的独立于制造商的软件解决方案,用于工业控制系统项目数据的备份、版本控制和文档记录。它使用标准化的工作流程和集中的数据存储,进行自动备份,并确保开发过程中每个步骤的文档易于理解。 SmartCompare 功能可以通过与系统编辑器相同的熟悉演示来进行详细的程序比较。为符合 ISO 900x、VDA 6.x、FDA 21 CFR 11、GAMP 和 GMP 的审计跟踪文档提供支持。 versiondog 已经在 CERN 使用了一年。现在有一个集中存储库,用于保护和管理西门子(SIMATIC S7、TIA Portal、WinCC flexible)和施耐德电气 (Unity Pro) 控制系统的项目数据。 “我们希望使控制系统及其周围辅助设备的所有过程均质化,”Ortolá 说。 “我们的目标是始终清楚地了解所有 PLC 和 HMI 以及对其控制程序所做的所有更改。我们希望能够使用标准化程序管理所有程序版本,这对我们来说非常重要能够集中存储和保护数据。versiondog 帮助我们做到这一点。”
  • [Management Effectiveness - Operation Transparency]
    Management of the various individual processes and control systems is the responsibility of a number of different departments. Within this structure, Ortolá's department provides CERN wide support service. It was with the goal of standardising processes across departments in mind that the versiondog system was introduced. Staff now have a much clearer picture of processes and their current status. Any and all changes are comprehensible and visible to everyone. And they can be undone if necessary. Furthermore, a backup of all data is performed once a week.
  • [Efficiency Improvement - R&D]
    "Errors made while modifying programs have been reduced to an absolute minimum since we have been using versiondog," explains Ortolá. "Centralised data storage guarantees that we are always working with the latest and most recently approved and released program versions." But if for some reason a system goes down, the latest version is immediately available. What’s more, the system checks that the version running on a control system (the online version) really does correspond to the latest version that was saved on the server (the offline version). Before versiondog, changes could go unnoticed. Regular online-offline comparisons ensure that this can no longer happen. If a discrepancy is detected, the system informs the appropriate administrator by email. All this means that versiondog has led to an improvement in quality and an increase in the level of work process standardisation at CERN.
  • Research and development in a facility such as CERN never comes to an end. Ortolá is continually adapting the versiondog system to the changing needs of the Organization. When he needs support, he gets it directly from the data management specialists AUVESY. There he can find the help he needs with individual elements of configuration and with broader adaptations of the system to new conditions.
  • Ortolá sums up: "versiondog makes it possible for us at CERN to safeguard our control system data and store it centrally, which is a crucial element for the Organization."

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