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ATTAbotics 提供具有重新定义市场潜力的机器人仓储和履行系统。 ATTAbotics 对该技术采取了不同的观点。 ATTAbotics 不是开发技术来加速人类工作量,而是一个以机器人为中心的存储和检索系统。一种货到人系统,可以部署在更小的空间内,入门级成本更低,提供行业领先的吞吐量,并有机会将仓库空间从大型枢纽和辐射系统重新定义为小型、灵活的节点交付站。 ATTAbotics 系统为几乎所有需要存储和检索系统的行业提供了显着的好处,但是,消费者对电子商务、移动商务和全渠道零售空间的及时性和卓越服务的需求和期望正在推动对新产品的需求。传统仓储市场中的技术和 ATTAbotics 已经出现以应对这些挑战。
优化运营绩效和敏捷性 将您的占地面积减少 85%将您的货物整合到高密度存储中,从而将您的空间需求降低 85% 并扩展您的业务。用一小部分劳动力最大限度地提高生产力 更少的接触与行业领先的吞吐量相结合,意味着在显着减少人力的情况下提高生产力。轻松解决复杂问题简化业务流程,同时通过现代化供应链来降低资本成本。通过可扩展性适应不断变化的业务需求 在不影响运营的情况下,随着您的需求变化扩展存储容量和吞吐量。
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Automata is a deep-tech company that creates products that empower people to automate physical work. The company's product, Eva, is a lightweight and affordable robot arm built for professionals in a production line, in a lab, a home workshop or even in a classroom. People don't need to be technical experts to communicate with robots. The web-based software platform can be programmed by anyone, anywhere, any time, from any device, making it easy to reconfigure for a wide range of different tasks. Automata was founded on 2015 and is headquartered in London, England.
XYZ Robotics
XYZ Robotics develops AI-enabled robotic perception and manipulation technology for logistics and manufacturing automation. The company develops autonomous robotic solutions for put wall sorting and goods-to-person picking. Its robot sorts unorganized, random warehouse goods into groups of customer orders. The solution embodies its strength in deep learning and robotics.
Pickle Robots
A low cost, collaborative package handling robot that automates several key tasks along the e-commerce supply chain. Package handling is a physically demanding job with extremely high rates of turnover. The rising costs of shipping, comprised of 2/3rds labor, have become a major bottleneck to continued growth in e-commerce.
Aqrose Technology
Aqrose Technology is a China-based company that applies machine vision and Machine Learning technology into industrial automation. Furthermore, the company provides 3D camera, AI-based defect inspection system, and SmartPicker intended for industrial enterprises. Aqrose focuses on robot vision and devotes itself to applying Artificial Intelligence technology to industrial robots and automation. It is a high-tech company with robot vision, deep learning and all-in-one hardware research and development capabilities. The founding team of the company, derived from the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of Tsinghua University, has top research results in robotics and computer vision.
Mujin is in the business of creating intelligent robotics control systems based on 3D modeling or an environment in combination with machine vision and cutting edge motion planning software. Mujin’s software is completely teachless and on the forefront of autonomous robotics technology. Mujin is capable of automating processes which were previously unsolvable without specially designed hardware solutions. Improving automation in the fields of manufacturing and logistics will enhance the lives of real everyday people by mitigating the social problems of an aging society and reducing the need for workers to perform repetitive manual tasks.