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ET Browne Drug Co. 是一家拥有 180 年历史的家族企业,以治疗为导向的美容产品领域的领导者而自豪。其最受欢迎的产品是帕尔默可可脂,该产品畅销全球,是美国排名第一的可可脂品牌。该公司不断设计和重新设计新产品和现有产品新配方的标签和包装,并满足其开展业务的 100 个国家/地区的新监管要求。该内容的审核和批准过程涉及整个公司的部门,包括研发、营销、法律与合规以及制造。
ET Browne Drug Co. 是一家以治疗为导向的美容产品的领先制造商,其标签和包装流程面临着重大挑战。该公司不断设计和重新设计新产品的标签和包装、现有产品的新配方,并满足其运营所在 100 个国家的新监管要求。这个过程涉及多个部门,包括研发、营销、法律和合规部门和制造。审核和批准过程是手动的,导致延迟并且缺乏对正在进行的审核状态的可见性。文件可能会在经理的办公桌上搁置数天或数周,从而延迟上市时间。关于某人是否有正确的版本可供审阅以及没有提醒执行任务的问题一直存在。当公司开始实现工作流程自动化时,另一个问题出现了。该公司正在路由视觉数据和内容,包括标签和包装材料的尺寸、形状、颜色和位置。但是,SharePoint 不支持创建该内容的 Adobe Illustrator 文件,并且预渲染为 PDF 缺乏有意义的批准所需的精度。
ET Browne 通过实施基于 Nintex Workflow 和 Nintex Forms 的自动化工作流程解决方案并利用 Equilibrium 的 MediaRich® OneViewer™ 技术解决了这些挑战。该解决方案支持超过 450 种文件类型,并在 SharePoint 内自动创建安全的通用查看体验。它使所有审批者能够从单一来源直接从通知电子邮件中查看 AI 文件中的准确图像,无论在任何地方,都可以在办公桌上或移动设备上查看,且无需插件、下载或 Acrobat 等特殊应用程序或 Adobe Illustrator。该解决方案还允许同时实施多个审核、发送提醒以及实施“智能批准”,自动批准审核并在指定天数后将其移至下一步。这显着加快了审批流程。
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Case Study
Case Study: Pfizer
Pfizer’s high-performance computing software and systems for worldwide research and development support large-scale data analysis, research projects, clinical analytics, and modeling. Pfizer’s computing services are used across the spectrum of research and development efforts, from the deep biological understanding of disease to the design of safe, efficacious therapeutic agents.
Case Study
Fusion Middleware Integration on Cloud for Pharma Major
Customer wanted a real-time, seamless, cloud based integration between the existing on premise and cloud based application using SOA technology on Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform, a Contingent Worker Solution to collect, track, manage and report information for on-boarding, maintenance and off-boarding of contingent workers using a streamlined and Integrated business process, and streamlining of integration to the back-end systems and multiple SaaS applications.
Case Study
IoT Data Analytics Case Study - Packaging Films Manufacturer
The company manufactures packaging films on made to order or configure to order basis. Every order has a different set of requirements from the product characteristics perspective and hence requires machine’s settings to be adjusted accordingly. If the film quality does not meet the required standards, the degraded quality impacts customer delivery causes customer dissatisfaction and results in lower margins. The biggest challenge was to identify the real root cause and devise a remedy for that.
Case Study
Process Control System Support
In many automated production facilities, changes are made to SIMATIC PCS 7 projects on a daily basis, with individual processes often optimised by multiple workers due to shift changes. Documentation is key here, as this keeps workers informed about why a change was made. Furthermore, SIMATIC PCS 7 installations are generally used in locations where documentation is required for audits and certification. The ability to track changes between two software projects is not only an invaluable aid during shift changes, but also when searching for errors or optimising a PCS 7 installation. Every change made to the system is labour-intensive and time-consuming. Moreover, there is also the risk that errors may occur. If a change is saved in the project, then the old version is lost unless a backup copy was created in advance. If no backup was created, it will no longer be possible to return to the previous state if and when programming errors occur. Each backup denotes a version used by the SIMATIC PCS 7 system to operate an installation. To correctly interpret a version, information is required on WHO changed WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY: - Who created the version/who is responsible for the version? - Who released the version? - What was changed in the version i.e. in which block or module of the SIMATIC PCS 7 installation were the changes made? - When was the version created? Is this the latest version or is there a more recent version? - Why were the changes made to the version? If they are part of a regular maintenance cycle, then is the aim to fix an error or to improve production processes? - Is this particular version also the version currently being used in production? The fact that SIMATIC PCS 7 projects use extremely large quantities of data complicates the situation even further, and it can take a long time to load and save information as a result. Without a sustainable strategy for operating a SIMATIC PCS 7 installation, searching for the right software version can become extremely time-consuming and the installation may run inefficiently as a result.
Case Study
Zenon the Ideal Basis for An Ergonomic HMI
KHS develops and produces machines and equipment for filling and packaging in the drinks industry. Because drinks manufacturing, filling and packaging consist of a number of highly complex processes, the user-friendly and intuitive operation of equipment is increasingly gaining in significance. In order to design these processes as simple as possible for the user, KHS decided to introduce a uniform, transparent and standardized solution to the company. The HMI interface should meet the requirement for people with different qualifications and enable them to work on a standard platform.