Eaton > 实例探究 > 公寓升级了 Exceder LED 低频发声器以符合新规范

公寓升级了 Exceder LED 低频发声器以符合新规范

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 Upgrading Apartment Fire Alarm Systems to Meet New Codes: A Case Study - IoT ONE Case Study
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多元化资金公司 (DFI)


马萨诸塞州波士顿的Diversified Funding, Inc. (DFI)最近购买了位于 Remington Pond 的公寓。 Remington Pond 公寓被称为罗德岛西沃里克的前沃特福德塔,正在进行重大翻修,包括在七座建筑中的每一座建筑中安装新的火警系统。 161 套公寓位于繁华的购物广场、餐饮场所和商业商务中心的中心。靠近主要高速公路和交通设施,这个理想的位置距离普罗维登斯市中心、纽波特和 TF 格林机场不远。

Remington Pond 公寓距离 Station 夜总会约 1 英里,美国历史上发生过最致命的夜总会火灾之一。由于这场悲剧,罗德岛,尤其是沃里克镇对满足最新的消防和生命安全法规要求非常严格。


DFI 面临的挑战是使公寓楼符合最新的火灾警报规范,包括美国国家消防协会 (NFPA) 72 国家火灾警报和信号规范以及 NFPA 720 标准中列出的新卧室要求安装一氧化碳 (CO) 检测和警告设备。为了提高唤醒个人的效率,法规规定睡眠区提供的音响设备现在需要产生不同的低频警报信号——T3 用于火灾,T4 用于一氧化碳 (CO) 检测。


我们选择了会德丰 Exceder LED 低频发声器,因为它通过一台设备满足 NFPA 规范。

借助 Exceder LED 520 Hz 低频发声器,组织现在可以通过一台设备满足卧室规范(NFPA 72 和 NFPA 720),该设备具有两种不同的声音模式,用于火灾探测的 T3 和用于 CO 的 T4。低频更响亮的频闪灯可以替换设施的现有设备,利用当前安装的同一对电线,提供简单的改造以满足卧室的新规范。 Exceder LED 低频发声器频闪灯和发声器具有多种 520 Hz 操作模式。

  1. T3(火)
  2. T4 (一氧化碳)
  3. 连续(编码)
  4. T3/T4 同步控制
  • PowerComm Systems has completed the installation of the new fire alarm systems in two of the seven buildings of the Apartments of Remington Pond. When the project is finished, DFI will have brought the entire fire alarm system up to the latest codes, including meeting the new sleeping room codes. The system is working well, with a noticeable difference in the T3 sound patterns versus the traditional fire alarms. The Exceder LED low frequency sounders provide the option of selecting different modes of operation, including T3, T4, Continuous, and T3/T4, depending on the design of the system. This flexibility and adaptability of the system ensure effective awakening of people in the event of fire or CO detection.
  • The Wheelock Exceder LED low frequency sounders can replace a facility’s existing appliances, utilizing the same single pair of wires that are currently installed, offering a simple retrofit to meet new codes for sleeping rooms.
  • The Exceder LED Low Frequency Sounder Strobes and Sounders feature multiple 520 Hz modes of operation, including T3 (fire), T4 (CO), Continuous (coded), and T3/T4 Sync Control.
  • The low-frequency sounder strobes utilize a light emitting diode (LED) as the light source, resulting in best in- class efficiency that enables material and system cost savings, allowing for a greater number of appliances on the notification appliance circuit and fewer power supplies.

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