- America
- United States
- Sage 100 ERP
- Route Management System (RMS)
- Mobile Access Technology
- Data Integration
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Productivity Improvements
- Cost Savings
- 功能应用 - 企业资源规划系统 (ERP)
- 功能应用 - 远程监控系统
- 汽车
- 零售
- 销售与市场营销
- 商业运营
- 供应链可见性(SCV)
- 库存管理
- 系统集成
- 软件设计与工程服务
Kasco 是 BG Products 的经销商,后者是特种润滑剂、润滑脂、化学品和服务设备的制造商和全球经销商。BG 产品通过独立经销商网络销售,每个经销商都有专属营销区域。Kasco 的销售区域包括马里兰州、弗吉尼亚州和华盛顿特区。该公司向加油站和私人维修店销售燃料和变速箱添加剂以及变速箱冲洗机等设备。另一个主要市场是经销商的服务部门。该公司在电视和广播上广泛做广告,其产品得到当地汽车维修专家的认可。Kasco 总部位于马里兰州坦普尔希尔斯,拥有 35 名员工。
BG Products 的经销商 Kasco 希望实现其 20 名销售人员的自动化。当销售人员拜访客户时,十有八九他们的货车里都有所需产品。因此,在销售点提供发票是合理的 — 以避免在总部重复输入数据并加快收入流。十年来,该公司一直乐于使用 Sage 50 — 美国版作为其业务软件。但它需要一个可以与其销售人员手持电脑上的路线管理系统 (RMS) 集成的应用程序。其他 BG 经销商使用由 Sage 授权开发商 Quality Data Products 设计的 Sage 100 ERP* 和 RMS 之间的接口。
Kasco 实施了界面,迁移到 Sage 100 ERP,现在拥有一个端到端系统,具有完整的会计、库存管理和现场销售报告功能。销售人员使用货车上的打印机生成发票并将其呈现给客户。他们使用调制解调器或电话线将信息下载到总部,无论是在现场还是晚上从家里下载。这消除了应收账款文员进行销售单据数据输入的需要。销售人员可以每天提取客户数据。当他们访问帐户时,他们无需致电总部即可了解信用状况,他们可以友好地提醒付款,并在必要时避免与拖欠帐户进行进一步交易。
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Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).
Case Study
Improving Production Line Efficiency with Ethernet Micro RTU Controller
Moxa was asked to provide a connectivity solution for one of the world's leading cosmetics companies. This multinational corporation, with retail presence in 130 countries, 23 global braches, and over 66,000 employees, sought to improve the efficiency of their production process by migrating from manual monitoring to an automatic productivity monitoring system. The production line was being monitored by ABB Real-TPI, a factory information system that offers data collection and analysis to improve plant efficiency. Due to software limitations, the customer needed an OPC server and a corresponding I/O solution to collect data from additional sensor devices for the Real-TPI system. The goal is to enable the factory information system to more thoroughly collect data from every corner of the production line. This will improve its ability to measure Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and translate into increased production efficiencies. System Requirements • Instant status updates while still consuming minimal bandwidth to relieve strain on limited factory networks • Interoperable with ABB Real-TPI • Small form factor appropriate for deployment where space is scarce • Remote software management and configuration to simplify operations